Thursday, June 6, 2013

Microsoft teams up with financial services industry, FBI to take down hacker botnets

It turns out Microsoft was serious when it declared war on botnets: the company just announced that its Digital Crimes Unit has successfully disrupted more than 1,400 criminal networks. The company says the action was a coordinated effort between Microsoft and the financial services industry, noting that the FBI chipped in to help out with legal hurdles -- giving Redmond the leverage it needed to shut down malicious servers in both New Jersey and Pennsylvania. These machines had been infecting computers with Citadel malware, a keylogger that allowed cyber criminals to skim account information from victims. According to Reuters, authorities don't yet know the identities of the criminals involved, but Microsoft thinks the ringleader lives in eastern Europe, and may be working with 80 or more accomplices. The company has already filed a civil lawsuit, listing the lead hacker as "John Doe No. 1" in the complaint.

Microsoft says it will use the data it collected from the operation to help ISPs find more efficient ways to detect and notify users if their computer is infected. The company also pledges to make the information available through its own cyber threat intelligence program. Check out the firm's full press announcement for yourself after the break.

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